to the

House of Dahlias



  • AGE: (MID 20s - EARLY 30s)

  • HEIGHT: 195.58cm/6'5"






ㅤTokuji Fujimoto is the son of an Otheon born dealer named Oswell Kaiser, and a Japanese born actress named Mio Fujimoto. The two had met when Oswell came to Japan for an arms deal.
ㅤOswell and Mio hit it off well during one of her carpet walks, and the two became close. For a while the two lived happily, and the relationship was under wraps for the longevity of it.
ㅤThree years into the relationship, Mio would be with child, and despite Oswell's begrudging nature, stayed with her during her pregnancy. The birth was difficult however, and Tokuji was born a rather frail and sick child.
ㅤDuring the first three years of Tokuji's life, he found himself in and out of the hospital, being sickness or injury. At the time Oswell began to grow upset with the boys expensive treatments, and grew cold, and psychologically abusive towards him and his mother. On the fourth year, Oswell left without a trace.

ㅤTokuji grew up a single child with a single parent. In that time he grew rather close with his mother, considering she had to watch over him nearly all the time. It was here when Mio finally put aside her entertainment career in order to take care of her son. These were Tokuji's best years.
ㅤThat was until the age of 16, when it was discovered that Mio's physical health was fading. The past years had been difficult, and now his mother found herself to be bedridden. In hopes to keep whatever fortune the family had, Tokuji looked for other means of income.
ㅤHe found himself acquainted with an old friend of his father's. It was through this man that Tokuji began his life in underground business. Here he'd get his fair share of fortune, as well as some scuffles. He'd grown familiar with the ins and outs of shady business, and was known in the underground as Fukuoka's "Fortunate Son". All of this was done as a means to support his family of course.

ㅤThe taste of success was short lived. A day of hard work had made Tokuji arrive late one night. He was alarmed to find the front gate open, and the door of the house left ajar.
ㅤAssuming his mother to have had another manic episode, he entered her room, expecting her to be gone. Things may have gone different if she had.
ㅤTokuji would find his mother in bed, unresponsive, a red stream of blood from her neck from a slit wound. She had been murdered. ㅤㅤThat very night Tokuji was also attacked by the same intruders that had done away with his mother. It was here that Tokuji would suffer heavy acid burns from one of their quirks, before losing consciousness.

ㅤTokuji left Fukuoka a few months after the incident and found himself a place in the Shizuoka Prefecture, close to Musutafu. His work followed after and the now 21 year old began disguising his operations under a botany shop he called the "House of Dahlias".
ㅤHere he began using the name Dahl when doing business. A botanist by day, and a dealer by night. All clients are kept secret, and no affiliation or partnerships are made, making him free game.
ㅤAny buyer is welcome, for whatever the purpose.

The scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance.
ㅤBotany allows Dahl to manifest organic flora of all kinds from his body. Similar to the Creation Quirk, as long as he knows the physiology and properties of a plant, he can create them. This includes the plant's properties (ie. poisons, pollen and effects).
ㅤ Knowing the properties of plants allows him to also identify said flora, as well as the smell of irritants or poisons in food or drink.
ㅤ The quirk can be used in combat if attempted, but is often reserved as just a back up. Along with the manifestation different plants, Dahl can create bark, hard protective shells of fruits, and irritants like the ones found in Poison Ivy or Nightshade.
ㅤThe quirk draws its use from fat and calcium. Due to these characteristics, Tokuji's body is rather frail. Despite being able to do most physical activities, his bones do run a risk of breaking more often than regular people. Hence, his Calcium and fat intake is abnormally high.
ㅤDahl uses his quirk on a daily basis, but only for the creation of herbs or plants for his narcotics. The size of the produced flora also affects the use of energy.
ㅤ Dahl's quirk also makes him have characteristics of plants, i.e. abnormal pigmentation, course skin, susceptibility to fire, acid and herbicides.

  • This account will contain mature depictions of violence, vulgar language, dark themes, blood/mild gore.

  • It is recommended that any minors not interact unless an exception (ie. mutual outside of Twitter). Anyone under the age of 17 will be Soft blocked.

  • That being said, this is a non lewd account. Lewd art, rps or accounts will not be retweeted.

  • Do not interact if you are in any way racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic or defend crude jokes in those lines. Dark humor is supposed to be macabre, not offensive.

  • Shipping is allowed. Multi shipping is preferred. Please do not force a ship upon my muse.

  • Absolutely no shipping roleplays with minor muses or muns. That will result in a block.

  • I will be selective with shipping for personal reasons. Hence, shipping is preferred with chem.

  • Any drama brought onto this account or an attempt to dm or tag me about drama will result in a soft block. Sorry, I’m not here for that.

  • Along these lines. Remember that the actions of the muse are not reflective of the mun, and should never be considered the same.

  • @ or dm me for plotting. It would be an honor!

  • I cannot stress this enough I will not interact with you if you have uncredited art works, edits or layouts.

  • This is emphasized for those who repost without searching whether or not the artist wants their work reposted or not.

In here will be a list of muses that Dahl has interacted with! This is TBD.